Forside -> Tidligere arrangementer -> 2009 Program -> København

World Usability Day: Ecolibrium 2009

12. og 13. november 2009, kl. 9:00-17:00

Sted: Nationalmuseet, Ny Vestergade 10, København

Ecolibrium 2009 is a conference on sustainability and usability in balance. The conference was conceptualized by two Danish based Americans.

It is a conference that utilizes the three key elements of sustainability (environmental, social, and economical) in concert with usability and user experience to initiate meaningful dialogues and concrete action.

Through the form, structure and content of the conference, Ecolibrium 2009 aims to be both the medium and the message for mindset change and implementation of new approaches towards a more holistic understanding of user experience and sustainability.

While the main physical conference will be held at Denmark’s National Museum in Copenhagen, Ecolibrium 2009 is a collaborative effort that will also utilize the advantages of technology to extend far and beyond the Danish border.

For more information please visit:


Arrangeret i Danmark af: - Interaktsiondesign i Danmark


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